it's just me

it's me


Right now..i am so Irritated!!
i don't know if i should be irritated? and i don't know if i should care? But i do!!!!

Imagine that you're talking to a person, and you say that you will do someting that you always want to do. It's your dream.  An the other person say to you..what you are crazy, why do you want that?
After a few weeks..this person says/write that she/he want to do your dream!!! and before she/he don't want to do that...but now all the i don't get it?

From a big a yes, DON'T TAKE MY DREAM IDIOT!!!!!!


Today i was With Erika, did som business, after that we went to a bakery. After one hour Aleks come by, and after a while me and Aleks went home yto his apartment. Just chilling, and talking, watchin a movie and 19:30 in my place. A swedish food competition program.
Now i am home and i am tired, so it's bed time son.

Friday tomorrow yaaaay =)


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