it's just me

it's me


Jeli                                                                                               Erika

Hello hello
Now i am home, me and Erika had a hard decision what we wanted to do.
First we said..okey we are going and se a movie...after a while we said ok we go to a bakery and sit there, take some coffee and talk.
We went to my favorite bakery =) Cappuccino. We was there in 4 hours and 10 min hahah. Yes we can talk!! and we had loot of talk about and also ofc we had fun!!

It was a one more funny thing who happend...when we are sitting there..we hear a strange voice. I am looking around and thinking what do it come frome?
hahaha and then i se a couple in a couch, they are make out/kissing. was a old couple they was in 60-70 years old, hahahahaha

And on monday we are gonna do some  business in city, and on Saturday we had decided to go out =) out and danc and drink a little. Ooooh i can't wait!!!!
hahaah and now it's a typical a girl thing who is happend in my head.


Now is it sleep time good night

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